
Banco de datos de lenguas paleohispánicas


The Database

The database is structured as a series of interrelated resources: Epigraphy, Numismatics, Onomastics, Lexicon and Bibliography. Furthermore, it has two supplementary tools which are linked to the other resources: the MapServer application, which generates distribution maps of locations which meet a certain search pattern, and a search function which generates Graphics.

The Database is continuously updated, which allows for the inclusion of new material, whether it be new inscriptions or another kind of material, as well as new interpretations of old data. At present, a large part of its content is available to the public, albeit with different levels of access.

  • I. Access to all the extant information: Epigraphic zones A, B, E, F, G, K, L; The Numismatics data base; the Onomastics data base; Bibliography
  • II. Limited access to basic information: Epigraphic zones C, D, H, J.

The database is accessible with any internet browser, although it has been optimised for Windows Vista with the browser FireFox. Technical information

The Hesperia database was designed and constructed by E. Orduña and based on the LAMP platform, that is, the Linux operating system, the Apache web server, the MySQL database engine and the PHP programming language; all of them significant representatives of free open-source software, as is MapServer, developed by the University of Minnesota and used to generate maps. It is based on a file design created on File Maker by Fernando Quesada, which has been adapted to each resource database. The database is accessible with any internet browser, although it has been optimised for Windows Vista with the FireFox browser.

The interface is based on HTML forms that alternate with PHP scripts. The search functions, particularly those of texts, allow for the use of Regular Expressions, a word sequence that enables the creation of complex search patterns. It is possible to generate PDF files of the results of any search which can be personalised with selected fields. Similarly, it is possible to generate distribution maps of inscriptions or names from the search results.

Access to the data can be done in different ways: from the map on the homepage which leads to the presentation page of each epigraphic zone, and from there, access through the list of findspots, or from the map of inscriptions of each zone, whose points can be clicked on, which leads to the list of inscriptions for the selected point. It is also possible to access the database through searches, or from an individual inscription using the buttons to browse consecutive files, which can be filtered.

xhtml ·  css ·  508 ·  aaa ·  Web design: http://sandraromano.es. Data Bank design: Eduardo Orduña Aznar
© 2005 Departamento de Filología Griega y Lingüística Indoeuropea · Universidad Complutense de Madrid      
License     Data Bank last update: 2025-03-21 14:04:21