
Banco de datos de lenguas paleohispánicas



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An external view of the MapServer application (click to enlarge):  


An application has been developed which connects databases, that is, tables which contain geographical data, with the MapServer programme, which generates distribution maps of localities that share a certain caracteristic. From the main link a map of the Iberian Peninsula is accessed, in which one can visualise the points corresponding to the inscriptions, both in the epigraphic as well as the onomastic and numismatic bases. There are two forms of working here: the navigation form and the information form. 

The first of these allows one to zoom in, in such a way that the tags corresponding to each point appear, together with the name of the locality. Layers can also be loaded from external sources, such as the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture’s SIGPAC maps and orthophotos, or the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia’s 1:5000 topographic and orthophoto maps.

In the information form, one can press on each point in order to obtain a list of inscriptions associated with that location, with a summary of the main data of each inscription, and a link to the complete page. Furthermore, enquiries can be made from either the main initial MapServer page or from the search engines of any individual file, the latter being the recommended option since this way there are more advanced search options and it allows one to select the results one would like to see represented on the map. PDF files can also be generated which include the map and the content one chooses from the results selected. (See the MapServer Help section)

An external view of the application when zooming in, showing the tags with the name of the sites (click to enlarge): 


An exterenal view of the application when zooming in over a wms layer with orthophotos, in this case over the Ampurias archeological site (click to enlarge):



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© 2005 Departamento de Filología Griega y Lingüística Indoeuropea · Universidad Complutense de Madrid      
License     Data Bank last update: 2025-03-21 14:04:21